Saturday, December 1, 2012

Good Monday Morning( still downloading files)

                      Good  Morning( still downloading files)
              best way to welcome others to my blog and just visters

 Welcome to Three Other sites which join us here on
     Gladys Good Things To Blog About

  1st My site started in 2006

   2nd Another site I started October 4, 2001 Encouragement and Faith.MSN Groups

   Then on MSN Groups--but was moved to multiply by me, for Msn Groups was closing.

   3rd is one realy started by one of the  Managers of Encouragement and Faith
    started a site called EAF Managers and Assistants Suport
    and made it private so managers and assistants (while in msn groups)
   so we could discuss what ever had to be discussed, out of prying eyes
   altho that is not the URL it is in his name
   Skypilot2000 and thanks to him for moving it to
   and changing to "Open to public"
   Alot of members there I pray will follow us here.
    If skypilot had any plans of making copy somewhere he did not let e know
   (Oh well the tools to move was avaliable to any manager)

    Lots of files,photos even from Encouragement and Faith.
    I just pray everything makes across the wide internet. 
                     WELCOME Everybody --TO--
               Gladys Good Things To Blog About

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